Brick House in Winter Park - SOLD

I was requested to do a painting of this house as a birthday present for the man of the house by his wife. It is a beautiful house located in Winter Park, FL. I always like seeing a red brick house in Florida. There doesn't seem to be too many of them around. I did take quite a few photos of this house on different days at different times. I finally got my best reference photos in the early morning when the sun was shinning on the front of the house. The trees on the left cast lots of shadows and made it hard to see the house later in the morning. I tried to keep the roof and bricks simple and not show every shingle or each brick. The detail is in the white trim and the shadows cast by the trees. The only directive I received by the person asking me to do the painting was to be sure I included the landscaping. Wouldn't you like to live in this house? SOLD


  1. Stewart, this is really beautiful.. I would love to live there - have always loved brick! It's a great painting I'm sure the owner is very happy. I am really drawn to the trees on the left.. they are so nice. -VP

  2. Thanks VP. It was quite a nice house to paint. Lots of white trim surrounded by the red brick gave the painting a nice contrast. You turned in a great painting for the watercolor exhibit. See you soon.


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